Please allow up to 5 business days for your order to be fulfilled and account for shipping transit time by carrier. Once your order is shipped, you will receive an automated email with tracking information. If you have any questions regarding your order, please reach out to and our team will be happy to assist you.
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Yes, we do.
We apologize for any delay in the delivery of your parcel. While this is beyond our control, we will make every effort to expedite the process. If you have not received your order within 30 business days, please contact us at and we will initiate an investigation and work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Please note that CFLWR is not responsible for packages that are lost, stolen, or delivered to an incorrect address, and we cannot refund or replace packages in these cases. Additionally, CFLWR assumes no responsibility for packages once they are in the possession of any of our shipping partners.
Your satisfaction is our first priority at CFLWR. If your item is faulty upon receipt or is not as described, we will gladly exchange the item or refund your credit card. All returns are subject to us receiving the item back within 30 days from receiving the item. Items must be returned with their original packaging and, unless they were damaged prior to you receiving them, must still be in an unused and saleable condition. If the item is not faulty, the customer will have to bare the shipping cost.
Returns Process
To return an item, please email us at:
And also include the following information:
Your Order number (appears on the top of the confirmation email)
Your name and address
A description of the item you are returning
Whether you would like a refund or exchange. If you wish to exchange it for a different item, please include the name and item number of the replacement item.
Please note: We do not accept Returns/Refunds during sale periods, or if your item is on sale.
To make an account with CFLWR, allowing easy access to your orders and quick checkout times, hit the "Login"button in the top right of your screen (desktops).
We would love to hear from you about anything. If it is a question, an issue, or just some advice for what we should do in the future, we would be glad to hear it all!